Our backyard extends beyond the area behind our house, it includes the places we frequent, the places we visit, the places where we live life. This blog is all about the things we find in our backyard and beyond.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Weeds and Dandelions

Since my husband is building new storage sheds our backyard has been looking more like a junk yard for the last few months. Needless to say we hadn't planted anything in our garden this year. We're hoping than when he finishes with the construction and finally has our backyard in order again, that we will still have enough growing time to at least plant a few things.
"I find a person whose life is full of genuine dandelions and ditch weeds to be far more compelling than the person whose life is full of plastic roses, and I’m far from alone in that conclusion.

In other words, you’re better off being proud of being a ditchweed than trying to be a rose and merely being a plastic imitation of one. Stop caring what other people think. Be passionate and proud of who you are and what you enjoy and stop spending a dime of your money or an ounce of your energy trying to be something you’re not."
~ Plastic Flowers from The Simple Dollar

1 comment:

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