Our backyard extends beyond the area behind our house, it includes the places we frequent, the places we visit, the places where we live life. This blog is all about the things we find in our backyard and beyond.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Early Morning Blooms

One of the advantages of getting up early is you get to see your garden in a totally different light. Before the sun comes up and dries everything, all the blooms have a dewy covering that gives them a beautiful sheen. Nowadays, mornings are the best time to sit out in the garden so the husband and I have been taking our coffee with the early birds.


CG said...

We were up early today too! I hope you enjoyed your coffee in the garden.

Aiyana said...

Oh, I wish I could be an early riser! With our heat, it would be the logical thing to do, but I've never been able to function early in the morning. I agree there's lots to see, and the early morning light makes everything look so good!

JMom said...

hi CG, coffee in the garden is becoming a habit. It just doesn't even taste right anymore when I'm not sitting back in the garden sipping my java :)

hi noRain, yes the temp early in the morning is just perfect especially when the days are as hot as they have been. We have our coffee in the morning and can't sit out in the garden again until late afternoon when the sun goes down.