Our backyard extends beyond the area behind our house, it includes the places we frequent, the places we visit, the places where we live life. This blog is all about the things we find in our backyard and beyond.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

A Rainy Day Shopping

Rainy Day in CostcoWe've been in a drought status here in Durham since last summer. We've had one of the, if not the, driest winters since I've moved here, so it was a welcome sight to see rains finally pouring on us this spring.

A little inconvenience like being trapped in your car because you forgot to bring an umbrella, at times like this, is a welcome occurrence. This is us, waiting out a spring downpour before we can go shopping.

Our garden, thanks to these spring showers, is finally taking hold. We've already enjoyed an early harvest of greens and they were yummy! I can't wait for some fresh tomatoes :)

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