Our backyard extends beyond the area behind our house, it includes the places we frequent, the places we visit, the places where we live life. This blog is all about the things we find in our backyard and beyond.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Springing to Life

Onion FlowerFinally the weather is a little warmer and the sun is actually out today. Maybe the ground will be dry enough that we can start digging up the garden this weekend. Husband said he'll cut the grass today. We'll see. They are about a foot high now after all the rain we had last week.

I still haven't gotten back into the groove of taking pictures, not much inspiration when the backyard is all dead, but maybe now I'll feel more inspired. There are already new sprouts springing up. I think they are greens and lettuce plants from seeds that fell off last year's crop. I'll go to the farmer's market on Saturday morning and try to get some seedlings to kick start the garden.

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